SCRAP Ltd works with a number of plumbers and related tradespeople (builders, electricians, landscapers, irrigators, etc) to deliver sustainable outcomes in the field of water conservation. All the plumbers we engage have ‘enviroplumber’ status, ie, they have done the requisite study to conduct installations and maintenance related to this specific field and have been certified by their Master Plumber’s Association.
So you can be assured of the quality of assessment of your needs and the goods and services utilised to complete the job.
Some typical examples are: rainwater tanks and interconnections to internal plumbing; solar hot water (see also our Renewable Energy category); water conservation measures including dual flush toilets and restricted flow taps; irrigation measures (see our Irrigation sub category above) including grey water systems; black water systems (sewerage alternatives) and total alternative (non-sewer/stormwater connected systems) – for remote properties.
We charge a nominal fee (the price quoted here) to help you assess your situation and then connect you with the appropriate plumber to fully quote the options available. If you proceed with our quote we will rebate the initial fee.