School Sustainability Assessment

$990.00 Includes GST

Principals, executives and teachers (among others) often wonder how to properly assess the environmental sustainability of their school. SCRAP offers a number of programs which may assist (see our EcoSnapshot Day and Eco Audits on this site) but our School Sustainability Assessment is a great way to start at a modest cost.

Our expert in the field, Peter Carroll (BA Dip Ed) with over 30 years experience in environmental education has designed and conducted hundreds of environmental audits and related assessments in schools and other organisations. For the modest price quoted above (additional costs may apply for organisations outside Sydney) Peter will come to your school and work with your staff for one day to assess your current status in terms of environmental sustainability.

During the day, SCRAP will conduct a walk through assessment of your built environment and consider key aspects including water, energy, waste, biodiversity and grounds and then work with administration staff to assess current costs. Following that, a meeting(s) with selected teaching staff will develop an overview of curriculum integration of environmental education within your school.

Within 14 days, SCRAP will provide you with a written Sustainability Assessment which considers all the aspects inquired into on the day and include a series of recommendations for immediate and longer term action to help you decide on your priorities. The report will take into account current system priorities both in terms of management and curriculum and offer guidance on the best options for integration.

Any budgetary information provided will be fed into our matrix for optimising the spend in terms of the priorities identified through the process.

Please call Peter on 0400 982 516 to discuss and book your SSA today.

Assess your school’s environmental sustainability from both a management and curricular perspective cheaply and quickly.

Assess your school’s environmental sustainability from both a management and curricular perspective cheaply and quickly.

School Sustainability Assessment


Principals, executives and teachers (among others) often wonder how to properly assess the environmental sustainability of their school. SCRAP offers a number of programs which may assist (see our EcoSnapshot Day and Eco Audits on this site) but our School Sustainability Assessment is a great way to start at a modest cost.

Our expert in the field, Peter Carroll (BA Dip Ed) with over 30 years experience in environmental education has designed and conducted hundreds of environmental audits and related assessments in schools and other organisations. For the modest price quoted above (additional costs may apply for organisations outside Sydney) Peter will come to your school and work with your staff for one day to assess your current status in terms of environmental sustainability.

During the day, SCRAP will conduct a walk through assessment of your built environment and consider key aspects including water, energy, waste, biodiversity and grounds and then work with administration staff to assess current costs. Following that, a meeting(s) with selected teaching staff will develop an overview of curriculum integration of environmental education within your school.

Within 14 days, SCRAP will provide you with a written Sustainability Assessment which considers all the aspects inquired into on the day and include a series of recommendations for immediate and longer term action to help you decide on your priorities. The report will take into account current system priorities both in terms of management and curriculum and offer guidance on the best options for integration.

Any budgetary information provided will be fed into our matrix for optimising the spend in terms of the priorities identified through the process.

Please call Peter on 0400 982 516 to discuss and book your SSA today.

School Sustainability Assessment
$990.00 Includes GST