Over the years, SCRAP has provided many sustainability services to schools and the wider community. In recent years as we have extended our worm farming business it has become possible to provide a field fertilisation service to schools cheaply by utilising our fine ‘worm juice’. Our 12 large worm beds provide a liquid fertiliser that is rich in beneficial bacteria and protozoa (two key micro-organisms within healthy soil). We keep the liquid in top condition by circulating for up to 3 months and aerating it with an air blower to ensure the microbes have sufficient oxygen to multiply. The continuous flow of liquid through the beds means that the foods of the worm beds are also available to the living creatures within the liquid.
Add to this SCRAP’s own designed and built spray rig with outrigged aerator roller (see photo) and we can deliver a method which will open up the soil of that compacted field and spray over it hundreds of litres of worm juice. We can also add additional fertiliser according to perceived needs.
Many school fields suffer from minimal fertiliser application and overuse leading to compaction, dying off of grass, weed invasion and worse. If left for extended periods fields can become unplayable due to injury risk. For a very low price, SCRAP can help you fight off these problems with our field thirst quencher – worm juice.
Please see table below for pricing – the display price on this item is a rough average per square metre, but we prefer to provide a free quote so simply drop us a request at and we will get back within a couple of days. Available in Sydney and surrounding areas only at this stage.
FIELD SIZE (max. metres squared) $ (inc GST)
1000 198
2000 275
3000 341
4000 400
5000 440